Martes, Mayo 17, 2016

Most Common Fertilizing Mistakes Cited By Lawn Care Experts From Maineville, OH

Degree Lawn & Landscape
There are numerous lawn care tasks homeowners need to accomplish in order to make their lawn vibrant and healthy such as watering, mowing, and cleaning. Apart from that, it is also important for homeowners to fertilize their lawn to help plants attain sufficient vitamins and minerals needed to grow easily. Unfortunately, there are some cases when homeowners make fertilizing mistakes that can destroy their property. To help you avoid this, lawn care Mainville, OH experts cite some of the following.

Failing to clean lawns when fertilizing

One of the most common mistakes homeowners make when fertilizing is failing to clean lawns before applying fertilizer. The lawn accumulates debris such as leaves, branches, and even thatch which can cover up the soil. Because of this, fertilizer cannot penetrate the soil properly. Therefore, it is imperative that you clean the lawn first. By doing so, you can apply fertilizer properly to help plants grow easily and efficiently.

Using the wrong fertilizers

The next mistake homeowners make with regard to fertilizing is using the wrong fertilizer. As of now, there are numerous types of fertilizers to choose from. Each type of fertilizer provides specific nutrients needed by plants. When you use the wrong fertilizer, plants may consume too much nutrients that can destroy their growth. In order to avoid this mistake, it is important to check soil levels. This will help you determine which minerals are needed. Apart from that, you can also call in experts like Degree Lawn to accomplish fertilizing tasks properly.

Combining fertilizers with other products

Another mistake homeowners do when fertilizing is combining fertilizers with other products. Fertilizers are essential in helping plants grow. Thus, it is not ideal to combine it with other products like weed killers since it can only disrupt its effectiveness. In addition, weed killers can also kill your plants, which can lead to total disaster.

Degree Lawn & Landscape
Poorly timed fertilizing

Finally, fertilizing at the wrong time is also another mistake homeowners make on their lawns. This is one of the most important aspects since fertilizers can affect the growth of plants. Apart from that, poorly timed fertilizing can also cause you more expenses since it cannot provide you with optimal results due to early or late application. Because of this, the fertilizers are wasted which can also pose some issues on near-by water sources.

By knowing all these mistakes, homeowners can have better insights on how to fertilize their lawns to make it appealing and healthy.

By: Richard Winch – Info source from Degree Lawn

Lunes, Mayo 16, 2016

Why Invest In Professional Lawn Care Lockport IL Has To Offer

There are indeed a lot of benefits a lawn can provide not only to your property but also to you, your household and the environment. But then it often entails a lot of time and energy. The most practical option to keep your yard tidy, neat and healthy is to invest in the services of lawn care experts. And when it comes to investing in professional lawn care, Lockport IL experts say that you must be careful in choosing who to work with.

Principles That The Best Lawn Care Company Upholds

Don’t apply a one-size-fits-all solution – They understand that no 2 lawns are exactly the same. In fact, even those that are side by side will still need a solution based on the factors unique to each. These factors will include owner preferences, plants and grass varieties, soil condition, pest and weed control requirements, and many more.

Lawn Care Professionals
Don’t ignore your call – The best lawn care professional will have an open phone line so clients can call them anytime. But there are instances they may miss your call; rest assured though that they will call you back in less than a day. When speaking to them, they will certainly talk to you with respect and with the willingness to provide helpful, expert advice.

Don’t just check the boxes – The leading lawn care professional will ensure that everything is covered. They may even go the extra mile in order to achieve the best possible results. 

Most Neglected Factors To Consider When Hiring Lawn Care Experts In Madison, AL

JLs Lawn Care
One of the easiest ways to improve and to maintain lawns is to hire experts in lawn care. Madison, AL homeowners also state that hiring experts can also help you create wonderful lawn designs. Unfortunately, some homeowners neglect certain factors when hiring experts, which can affect their goals. To avoid these, below are the most neglected factors to consider.


One of the most neglected factors when hiring lawn care experts is not asking about the company’s certification. Of course, almost all individual can do lawn care tasks. However, there are only a number of these individuals who have invested their time learning about the right methods and proper techniques in taking care of and maintaining lawns.

Customer service

Another essential factor homeowners neglect when hiring lawn care experts is not checking their customer service. With regard to lawn maintenance and repairs, homeowners may need sudden or emergency services. Therefore, it is best to look lawn care experts who provide reliable customer service. By having outstanding customer service, you can easily and properly talk to experts who can help you deal with your issue at the soonest possible time.

Risk guarantee

Finally, make sure the lawn care expert you choose can provide you with risk guarantee. There are cases when experts cannot match your needs. Hence, you need to call them again to re-do their tasks. Fortunately, some lawn care experts provide risk guarantee to ensure clients are satisfied with their work.

By knowing all these, you can find better and more competent lawn care experts who can help you. Know more about lawn care services in Madison, AL on this site.

Lunes, Mayo 2, 2016

Lawn Care Lehi, UT Experts Cite Watering Tips During The Warm Season

SLC Lawn Services
The scorching heat of the sun does not only affect individuals, but lawns and plants, as well. Due to the extreme heat, lawns can be damaged or they can die. Not to mention, the heat of the sun can also affect the health of the soil. Therefore, it is important for individuals to water the plants. When watering, lawn care Lehi, UT experts state there are ways in watering lawns during the warm season. Below are some of the following.

Do not over water

First and foremost, it is important that you do not over water plants during the warm season. Of course, some lawn owners may think that over watering plants can help them withstand the heat. But, overwatering can only affect the oxygen intake of plants.

Do not let the soil get completely dry before watering

When watering plants, it is advisable not to let the soil get completely dry before watering since this can destroy the roots and also affect the nutrients in the soil.

Water deeply

It is also best that you water plants deeply. This means, you should water the roots and not the leaves. To ensure that you water the soil properly, you can make use of instruments to check soil moisture. In this way, you can avoid overwatering.

Use cool water

Finally, make sure that you use cool water when watering plants. Store and avoid leaving the hose under the sun.

With these simple tips, individuals can properly water their plants during the warm season. Know more about lawn care Lehi, UT services on this site.